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报告 Options

OPE电子竞技官网 encourages the reporting of all incidents of sexual harassment, 性侵犯,  and relationship misconduct. 决定是否报告一个事件是个人的,往往是困难的决定. 在这个决策过程中,您可以选择以下任何一个或所有选项. 第九条 Coordinators 是否会及时回应所有报告,以便为您提供选择和资源.

  • 我们鼓励您与第九条协调员交谈,了解您的选择并寻求支持措施.
  • You can expect to have your complaint be taken seriously by the College, 当报道, 并通过行政和行为程序对事件进行调查和妥善解决, and through the legal system if you so choose.
  • Retaliation against any participants in the process—accused, 受害者, 目击者, reporting individuals—is prohibited. 另外, 学院严禁以任何形式报复投诉人及/或参与投诉过程的人士.
  • 教师, 收到性骚扰或性暴力投诉的教职员工和学生员工有义务向其主管或部门主管以及第九条协调员报告投诉.

OPtions for reporting


  • Make a complaint to OPE电子竞技官网’s 第九条 Coordinator. 这将启动一个行政程序,可能导致与大学相关的制裁. This is not a criminal process.
  • Make a report to the appropriate law enforcement agency.  这可能导致采取刑事行动,例如刑事指控.
  • Engage with Confidential Support and Advocacy services. 如果报告方希望对事件的细节保密, they should speak with resources that can maintain confidentiality. This will not result in any criminal charges or college-related sanctions. 这并不限制你将来向执法部门或第九条协调员报告的能力.
  • Seek emergency medical care.  医院的性侵犯护士审查员(SANE)将为你提供性侵犯法医检查,以收集dna证据以及预防性传播感染(STI), 艾滋病毒预防, emergency contraception and injury evaluation and treatment.

Report to the College

Make a report to a OPE电子竞技官网 第九条 Coordinator by contacting them by phone or email or completing the Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation On-line 报告 Form.

  • 向第九条协调员报告的任何正式投诉都将成为行政程序的一部分,可能导致与大学相关的制裁. This cannot and will not result in criminal charges.

  • 第九条调查不同于任何执法调查. 你有权向世纪挑战集团提出第九条性别歧视投诉, in addition to filing a criminal complaint.

  • 如果一方对支持措施感兴趣,应联系第九条协调员. 即使报告方不想提出正式投诉,也可提供支助措施. “Supportive measures” means non-disciplinary, 非惩罚性的个性化服务,旨在恢复或保持对学院教育项目或活动的平等机会,而不会给另一方造成不合理的负担. 这些措施旨在保护各方的安全或学院的教育环境, or deter sexual harassment. Supportive measures or remedies may include referrals to counseling, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of work or class schedules, campus escort services, mutual restrictions on contact between the parties, changes in work locations, leaves of absence, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus, and other similar measures.

What to expect if you make a formal complaint:

  • 招收:第九条协调员将协助报告方做出选择和获取资源. 假设报告方选择推进大学决议, the next step is a preliminary inquiry.

  • 初步调查:对指控以及是否将其推进正式调查作出初步决定. 这一决定是由第九条协调员作出的,他考虑到指控的性质和报告方的意愿. 如果决定继续进行,协调员将指控提交给调查人员.

  • 调查:训练有素的调查人员将提供及时的调查, 彻底的, 可靠的, 公平的, fair and impartial. 他们将会见报告方和答辩方及证人,并根据调查结果编写报告.

  • 听证会:学院将举行听证会,以确定是否存在违反学院政策的行为.

  • 证据标准:学院采用证据优势标准. Decision makers consider whether, given the available credible evidence, it is more likely than not that a violation occurred.

  • 最终裁决:将以书面形式将决议结果通知各方, without significant delay between the notifications to each party. This notice will include the procedures for appealing the decision, 在该等结果成为最终结果之前以及该等结果被视为最终结果时发生的任何对结果的更改.

  • Appeals: 学生 involved in 第九条 proceedings may appeal decisions. 所有当事人都可以参加上诉复议,并有平等的参与权利.

Report to appropriate law enforcement agency

除了向世纪挑战集团报告外,我们鼓励你联系警方. 然而, it is your choice if you want to make an official police report; OPE电子竞技官网 will not report on your behalf.

  • 这可能导致采取刑事行动,例如刑事指控. 这不能也不会导致与大学相关的制裁和/或行动.

  • 您可以通过联系当地执法部门或与 OPE电子竞技官网 College Police (for on campus incidents).

Engage with confidential resources

Individuals are encouraged to seek mental health support when needed. 

  • This will not result in any criminal charges or college-related sanctions

  • WCA - Women's Center for Advancement 为奥马哈社区中任何经历过性行为和/或不当关系的人提供保密辩护. 24/7 Hotline: 402-345-7273

  • Employee Assistance Program - The Employee Assistance Program provides professional counseling, 信息, and referral services to faculty, staff and their families. 该计划为各种各样的个人问题提供保密咨询, 家庭和/或与工作有关的问题,可能导致高水平的压力,干扰健康和工作表现.

政策 & Disciplinary Procedures: Our Promise to You

  • investigate 第九条 complaints in a prompt, fair and impartial manner;
  • keep incidents of sexual harassment as confidential as possible;
  • 采取步骤防止再次发生任何骚扰,并纠正其对申诉人和其他人的歧视性影响, if appropriate;
  • allow both parties to present 目击者 and other evidence;
  • not use mediation to resolve 性侵犯 complaints;
  • 采取必要措施,保护举报性暴力的学生免受报复, harassment and/or discrimination;
  • conduct a grievance investigation in a timely manner;
  • notify both parties the outcome of the complaint;
  • provide an appeal process for both parties.
学生, faculty and staff can file a 第九条 sex discrimination complaint directly with the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education.

OPE电子竞技官网's Nondiscrimination Statement